全天候呼吸阀(HXF-I型) 防爆阻火呼吸阀(HXF-IZ型)Weatherproof Breather Valve Flame Arresting Breather Valve

全天候阻火呼吸阀“设备材质” Materials of construction:
NO | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
构件 Component | 壳体 Body | 阀杆 Stem Guide | 阀盘 Pressure Disk | 阀座 Pressure Seat | 垫片 Gasket | 阻火芯件 Fire Arresting |
材质 Material | 不锈钢 Steel 铝合金 Aluminums 碳钢 Casting | 304 316 316L PTFE | 304 316 316L PTFE | 304 316 316L PTFE | 304 316 316L PTFE | 304 316 316L PTFE |
注:连接标准:HG 、GB、 ANSI、 JIS、 DIN等等.
Standard Connection:HG、GB、ANSI、JIS、DIN、ect.
操作压力:-295pa-+98000pa (-30mmH2O——+10000mmH2O)
Operating Pressure:-295pa-+98000pa (-30mmH2O——+10000mmH2O)
全天候阻火呼吸阀“尺寸表” Dimension table:
DN | 25 | 32 | 40 | 50 | 80 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 |
L | 160 | 160 | 160 | 160 | 213 | 265 | 305 | 355 | 420 | 480 |
H | 255 | 255 | 255 | 255 | 260 | 290 | 330 | 430 | 500 | 510 |
全天候阻火呼吸阀“订货须知” Order Construction:
Please give clear indication of Dimension,operating pressure and material.
Please give clear indication of flange,material and operating pressure if you need other standard.
全天候阻火呼吸阀性能及特点:Performance and characteristics
1. 安装在固定顶罐上作通风装置达到减少油品蒸发损耗及控制储罐压力和阻止外界火焰传入;
The ventilation device installed in the fixed roof tank to reduce the evaporation loss of oil and control the tank pressure and prevent external flame spread.
2. 通风量大,泄漏量小,耐腐蚀等特点;
A large amount of ventilation, a small amount of leakage,corrosion resistance and other characteristics.
3. 通过静电接地线使阀体和罐体保持等电位;
The electrostatic grounding wire to make the body and the tank to keep other potential.
4. 防冻性能强,适用于寒冷地区。
Antifreezing performance is strong, suitable for cold area.