真空破坏阀 真空破坏(释放)阀(HXF-P型) vacuum Destruetion(Release) valve 真空破坏阀“特点”: 1)、真空破坏阀作用于水轮机的后端,当真空度达到本阀的设定值范围 时,阀门开始开启,向管内补气。 2)、本阀阀门采用不锈钢纤焊技术,以保证良好密封效果。 3)、出厂时,按阀门开始开启真空度调整好,(特殊要求时请注明。) 1、护罩 2、螺母 3、挡块 4、轴 5、紧定螺钉 6、阀座 7、螺母 真空破坏阀“尺寸表”:
The vacuum breaking valve main purposes: water supply and drainage pipeline and tank; 工作原理:当管道和水箱内部形成真空时,大气压便会顶开阀盖,大气进入系统内部,平衡系统压力,消除真空影响。 Working principle: when the internal piping and tank vacuum, atmospheric pressure will be the valve cover, air enters the system, balance the system pressure, eliminate the effect of vacuum. 真空破坏阀技术参数: Vacuum break valve technology parameters: ******工作压力:16bar Maximum working pressure: 16bar 使用温度:80℃ The highest temperature: 80 ℃ 开启压力:0.02bar Opening pressure: 0.02bar 阀体:黄铜密封圈: Body: Brass ring: 真空破坏阀结构及安装注意事项: The vacuum breaking valve structure and installation notes: 1. 设备不应安装在有腐蚀性或污染的环境里; The 1 device should not be installed in a corrosive or polluted environment; 2. 阀体直接安装在配水支管的******处; body mounted directly on the top of water distribution pipes; 3. 大气型真空破坏阀的进气口应向下; atmospheric type vacuum breaking valve inlet should be down; 4. 在有排气阀的时候,真空破坏阀应设置在排气阀的下侧。 when the exhaust valve, vacuum break valve should be arranged in the exhaust valve. |